October 24 2022 0Comment
bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA

Top 3 Reasons Bathroom Remodels Go Awry

When you are considering your bathroom remodel, you may think of horror stories you have heard from friends or family about how their projects turned into nightmares. Maye it was that they went way over budget or it took so much longer than was expected. Whatever the case, this doesn’t have to be your experience. As providers of bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA. we want to cover some of the top reasons bathroom remodels go off-track so that you can make sure yours doesn’t.

1. Not Setting a Clear, Firm Budget

Any remodeling project can quickly go over budget if you are not careful. To ensure this does not happen to you, make sure to seat a clear and firm budget before even meeting with your first contractor. Know what you are willing to spend and if you are able to change it all, know that number as well. Setting your budget this way before you meet with the contract helps them to tailor your project so that it can fit within the price range you desire.

2. Not Taking Time to Select the Right Contractor

Many homeowners may simply not take the time before the project to do a little research and questioning to ensure they are selecting an honest and reputable contractor. This can cause the project to go astray very quickly. For example, if the contractor isn’t trustworthy, they may not show up when they say they are going to, may try to bill hours they didn’t work, or charge more for materials than they really cost. This can all cause major headaches and stress for the homeowner. To ensure a smooth process, always look into the background as well as the past work of the contractor you are selecting. Make sure they provide honest, quality work.

bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA3. Be Prepared for the Unexpected

When you start a remodel job, know that unexpected things will occur. These could be big or small and range from finding water damage behind a wall, to the store being out of the tiles you had chosen for your shower walls. Not preparing for these types of issues beforehand can truly throw the whole project off and behind schedule. To make sure your remodel keeps charging full steam ahead, be prepared for these occurrences. Not only that but also have a plan for them.

For example, when deciding on tiles for the walls or flooring, choose a couple of options you like at different price points. This way, if there is water damage behind a wall that needs to be fixed, the budget can be adjusted to include the less expensive tiles so that extra money can be allocated to repairing the water damage.

Final Thoughts

While most homeowners have heard a horror story or two about a bathroom remodel going awry, this doesn’t have to be your experience. If you keep these three things in mind when planning your bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA. you can be one of the success stories. Contact us today.