September 09 2019 0Comment
bathroom remodeling in San Jose CA

4 Simple Ways You Can Update the Look and Feel of Any Bathroom

There are some people who are under the impression that they need to completely overhaul their bathrooms to make them look and feel better. But in reality, you don’t need to gut a bathroom and start from scratch when you’re doing bathroom remodeling in San Jose, CA to make it more aesthetically pleasing and functional for your family. There are simple things you can do to bring any bathroom back to life. Check out 4 simple ways you can update a bathroom in your home with help from a bathroom remodeling company.

Replace the plumbing fixtures.

Do you want to modernize your bathroom in a matter of just a few hours without tearing your bathroom apart? You can do it by having a San Jose, CA bathroom contractor replace all of your plumbing fixtures. From the faucet in your sink to the fixtures in your bathtub or shower, you can replace each fixture with something that is more modern. This will make your bathroom look newer even though you didn’t do a whole lot to it.

Refinish the bathtub.

If a bathtub in your home has seen better days, you might be thinking about ripping it out and replacing it with something new. You can do this if you want, but you’re probably better off trying to use bathroom refinishing services to get some more life out of it. It’ll look like you installed a new tub once it has been refinished, but it’ll cost just a fraction of what replacing would.

Install custom countertops.

Speaking of refinishing, you may want to refinish the countertops in your bathroom if they’ve been in your bathroom for a long time now. By refinishing them, you can make them shine and allow them to hold up for years to come. But you also have the option of installing custom countertops in your bathroom if you’d like. A bathroom remodeling company can customize your countertops based on the style of the rest of your bathroom and make them a focal point of the space.

Put down different floors.

Are the floors in your bathroom dirty and dingy? They might be bringing the appearance of your bathroom way down and counteracting any other work you’re trying to do to it. Rather than moving forward with your current flooring in place, consider replacing it with ceramic tile flooring. It’ll last for a long time and improve the look of your bathroom by leaps and bounds once your bathroom remodeler lays it down.

Whether you want to make a few small changes to a bathroom or tackle a large-scale bathroom remodeling job, CALbath Renovations is the bathroom remodeling company you can trust to work on the bathrooms in your home. We specialize in doing everything from San Jose, CA bathroom refinishing to tub, shower, tile, and countertop restoration. Contact us at (949) 263-1236 today to start piecing together plans for a bathroom remodel or come see us at 3825 Birch St., Newport Beach, CA 92660 to talk about your bathroom remodeling ideas.