April 24 2023 0Comment
Orange County, CA bathroom remodel

Designing an Easy to Clean Bathroom

One thing that most homeowners never think about when designing their new bathroom space is how easy or difficult it will be to clean their new space on a daily basis. Look, as providers of Orange County, CA bathroom remodeling, we get it. The fun part is getting a new bathroom space, not thinking of how to keep it clean. However, if you keep a few things in mind when designing your bathroom, you can actually save yourself a lot of cleaning time later.

Think About the Tiles

If you want to keep your new bathroom clean and grime free, you may want to consider your tiles and what size they are. If you go with bigger tiles, you will have less grout space in between to try and keep clean. You might also consider tiles made from porcelain as they can be installed very close together minimizing the grout space even more.

Next, choose a grout that has sealers in it. This will help the grout resist mildew and stains and make it much easier to keep clean.

Cabinetry and Other Storage Options

You may love that ornate cabinetry or shelving, but are you going to be able to clean it fully? Sure, you may be able to get in there with a cue tip and reach the nooks and crannies, but are you going to want to have to do that on a continuous basis?

Having cabinetry and other storage options such as shelves and containers as smooth and minimal as possible will allow a much faster, and easier cleaning routine.

Countertops and Sinks

When selecting the material of your vanity countertop as well as your sinks make sure you understand how they are when it comes to things like scratching, chipping, and stains. You want to make sure you get a material that is not going to stain if you leave a coffee cup on it or a bottle of soap leaks.

Also, many materials have very specific cleaning instructions so talk with your countertop provider and make sure you fully understand what all is involved.

Orange County, CA bathroom remodelingBathroom Walls

Make sure to choose a paint for your bathroom walls that is easy to simply wipe down. There are many flat, washable paints available so you can find them in just about any color you wish. This type of paint makes it easy to clean.

Final Thoughts

While most people don’t think of how their new bathroom space will have to be cleaned when they are designing it, doing so will ensure you continue to love your new space long after it is completed. Fortunately, with so many materials and finishes available on just about every aspect of the bathroom, you can find a style that you like with a cleaning routine you can live with.

If you would like more information about different finishes that would be ideal for your situation, let one of our professionals help you. With our experience in Orange County, CA bathroom remodeling we can give you all of your options and let you know which would be best for you and your budget.