July 05 2021 0Comment
bathroom remodeling in San Diego, CA

How to Add Ventilation During the Bathroom Remodeling Process

Is the ventilation in your bathroom lacking right now? If so, this is something that you should try to fix when you’re taking on bathroom remodeling in San Diego, CA. There are a few different ways in which you can add ventilation to a bathroom so that you’re able to remove hot, humid air from it once you begin using it. It’ll cut down on the chances of mold and mildew growing in your bathroom in the future. Check out several things that you can do to add ventilation to a bathroom during the remodeling process.

Install one or two new windows in your bathroom.

If you have the wall space to do it, you should think about kickstarting your ventilation efforts by installing one or maybe even two fans into your bathroom during your bathroom remodeling in San Diego, CA. As long as you make it a point to keep these windows open most of the time, they should help to ventilate your bathroom for you. Oftentimes, homeowners will go with awning windows in bathrooms since it’s possible to leave them open for the most part without having to worry about rain coming through them.

Put an exhaust fan into place in your bathroom.

While installing a window or two might help to ventilate your bathroom better, you should still consider sticking an exhaust fan into your bathroom while remodeling it. You can attach an exhaust fan to a vent that you can use to take air from your bathroom and move it outside. When you let an exhaust fan run while you use your remodeled bathroom, it’ll stop moisture from building up in it. It’ll also eliminate any odors that might otherwise build up in the space.

Stick a vent under the floor in your bathroom.

If your bathroom isn’t connected to an exterior wall, you might have a harder time ventilating the space. But it’s still possible! You should speak with your bathroom remodeling company about installing a fan on your bathroom wall and attaching it to a vent that runs underneath your bathroom floor and then out the side of your home. Installing this kind of setup is going to be a little bit trickier than installing a regular exhaust fan, but it’ll get the job done in the end.

bathroom remodeling in San Diego, CA

Consider installing a recirculating fan in a half-bathroom.

Are you looking to add some ventilation to a half-bathroom that you’re remodeling? You might be able to do it through the use of a recirculating fan. This type of fan isn’t going to carry air from your bathroom outside, which is why it’s not ideal for bathrooms that have showers and/or bathtubs in them. But they can be used to filter the air in a half-bathroom and remove odors from it. It’s what makes it such a great addition to any half-bath situation.

If you want to add more ventilation to a bathroom while remodeling it, the bathroom remodelers in San Diego, CA from CALbath Renovations can show you some ways in which you can do it. We’ll come up with the perfect solution for your remodeled bathroom space. Call us for more information on our remodeling services.