January 03 2023 0Comment
Orange County, CA bathroom remodeling

Should I Remodel My Bathroom in the Winter?

The winter months are upon us and if you are considering a bathroom remodel for your home you may be wondering if now is a good time. Every season has its pros and cons when it comes to bathroom remodeling in Orange County, CA and the winter season is no different. Today we are going to look at some of these pros and cons so that you can better decide if now is the right time or not for your family.

Advantages of Bathroom Remodel in Winter

One big advantage of a bathroom remodel in the winter is that this season is an off-season for most home projects. This means that most homeowners take this season off from repairs and projects. What does this mean for you? It means that you may have better luck getting a contractor that you want as well as a faster timeline for the project to be completed. Some contractors may even run out-of-season specials and discounts that you can take advantage of.

Another advantage is that if you have an opening to the outside, there are fewer bugs and insects that would make their way inside if you were remodeling in the summer. Since the cold weather tends to reduce the number of bugs, fewer will make their way into your home.

Disadvantages of Winter Bathroom Remodel

There are a couple of disadvantages when it comes to remodeling your bathroom in the winter that you should take into account. First, if you live in a climate where it gets extremely cold in the winter months, it can cause issues when it comes to plumbing work.

Another disadvantage is the winter days get shorter which means there is less sunlight. This can reduce the number of hours the contractors can work each day. Due to this, the project may go on a few extra days longer than it might if there was more sunshine later into the evening hours.

bathroom remodeling in Orange County, CAConsiderations When it Comes to Bathroom Remodels

No matter what season you decide to complete your bathroom remodel, there are some things to keep in mind for making the project go easier. First, if you have a second bathroom the family can use while the one is being remodeled, make sure to make a schedule of who will get the bathroom and when. This will save a lot of fights and headaches later.

If the bathroom that is being remolded is the only one in the house you could consider staying at a hotel in town while the work is being completed. This way you are close enough to check in on things but you and your family will have space and a bathroom to use in the meantime.

Also, always make sure you are hiring a trustworthy contractor that has experience in bathroom remodeling in Orange County, CA. Hiring professionals will ensure the job gets completed on time and if any unexpected issues arise, they will have the skills and knowledge to handle them in a professional manner.