September 16 2019 0Comment
bathroom remodeling in San Diego

The Advantages of Installing a Double Vanity in a Bathroom

Do you and your significant other spend almost every morning arguing about who is going to use the sink in your master bathroom? This can be such a frustrating way to start your days! Rather than continuing to have the same old arguments over the sink day in and day out, you should consider calling on a company that specializes in doing bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA to put in a double vanity for you. Take a look at the advantages of installing double vanities during bathroom remodeling below.

They prevent people from arguing over a bathroom sink.

As we just mentioned, there are lots of couples who will love having a double vanity in their bathroom. It’ll save them from getting into so many arguments. But it’s not just couples who can benefit from double vanities. Siblings and roommates can benefit from them in a big way, too. People will be able to brush their teeth, comb their hair, and do other things in their bathroom at the same time when they have a double vanity in the space.

They give people more storage.

Double vanities allow for people to do more than just be in the bathroom at the same time getting ready for school or work. They also free up a ton of storage space for those who live in a home. You’ll be able to store more of your bathroom supplies in a double vanity once you have a Newport Beach, CA bathroom contractor install one. You won’t have to keep cramming stuff into the small vanity that you have now.

They allow people to do more in their bathroom.

Do you wish there was a way that you could, say, put on makeup in the bathroom? That might be an impossible task right now because of how small your vanity is. But with a double vanity, you’ll automatically open up the possibilities and allow yourself to do a whole lot more. You’ll also be able to do these things while others are using the double vanity for a completely different purpose.

They make a home more attractive to buyers later.

There are a lot of people who specifically look for double vanities when they’re walking through a home that they’re thinking about buying. They’ll actually walk away from homes that they might love otherwise simply because they don’t have double vanities in place. By installing a double vanity during a bathroom remodeling job, you might be able to make your home more valuable to buyers later. It’s something to keep in the back of your mind even if you’re not considering selling your home right now.

Have you been thinking about installing a double vanity in your home? Allow the Newport Beach, CA bathroom remodelers from CALbath Renovations to show you some of your options. We can also assist you with a wide range of other remodeling services, including bathroom refinishing, acrylic bath system installation, tub, shower, tile, and counter restoration, and more. find us on the web today or Reach out to us at (949) 263-1236  to set up a consultation or come see some of our products in person at 3825 Birch St., Newport Beach, CA 92660.