June 14 2021 0Comment
Bathroom remodeling in San Jose, CA

Things You Definitely Shouldn’t Do During Bathroom Remodeling

There are a lot of things that you should do when doing bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach. For example, you should work with a reputable bathroom remodeling company, put together the proper remodeling plans, and come up with a budget for your remodeled bathroom before you get started. But there are also a lot of things that you should not do when doing bathroom remodeling. Take a look at some of the top things you definitely shouldn’t do during bathroom remodeling below.

Attempt to remodel a bathroom without gutting it.

If you only want to take on a very minor bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, you might be able to get away with not gutting your bathroom. But generally speaking, you should always gut a bathroom before remodeling it. It’s going to allow you to make the most of your remodeling project by opening up all kinds of opportunities for you. You could very well come to regret not gutting your bathroom later and wish you had taken the time to do it.

Fail to put enough storage into your remodeled bathroom space.

If you already have plenty of storage space in your current bathroom, you might not have to worry too much about creating more of it. But any time you remodel a bathroom, you should always strongly consider finding ways to put more storage into it. You and your family are going to be able to make better use of your remodeled bathroom when everything has a place in it.

Forget about adding plenty of ventilation to your remodeled bathroom.

Pretty much the worst thing that you can do when remodeling a bathroom is forgotten to add lots of ventilation to it. You’re going to find that you’ll have a lot of humidity in your remodeled bathroom if it doesn’t have an adequate amount of ventilation in it. You should install a fan in your bathroom to remove most of the hot, humid air that will accumulate in it. You should also put in one or two windows to make ventilating your bathroom a breeze.

bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach

Try to DIY your bathroom remodel without any remodeling experience.

In an effort to save a few bucks, you may be tempted to try and take the DIY approach to bathroom remodeling. This might save you some money on the front end, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it might also cost you quite a bit of money in the long run. You could also end up with a bathroom that you don’t really love when everything is all said and done. You should hire a bathroom remodeling company to help you instead. They’ll allow you to make the most of your bathroom remodeling project.

If you’re going to be remodeling a bathroom soon, don’t make the mistake of not calling on the bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach from CALbath Renovations to help. We can transform your current bathroom space into your dream bathroom in a hurry. Contact us for more information on our bathroom remodeling services.