February 03 2020 0Comment
bathroom remodeling in San Diego

Tips for Preparing Your Home for a Bathroom Remodeling Project

If you’re going to be having bathroom remodeling in San Diego done sometime soon, you’re probably excited to get the project underway. Most homeowners can’t wait to have the bathrooms in their houses fixed up so that they look great again and function better than they do now. While you’re waiting around for your bathroom remodeling contractor to come to your home to get started, there are some things you can do to get your house ready for the occasion. Here are tips to help you prepare your home for bathroom remodeling.

Make sure your bathroom remodeling plans are in place.

Are you 100 percent happy with the bathroom remodeling plans that you’ve put into place? You should make sure that you are before you have a Newport Beach, CA bathroom remodeling company come out to remodel the space. If you’re even a little bit unsure of the new design plans, you should sit down and talk about the common misconception to your bathroom contractor and what you might want to change. They can let you know what they can do to make you happier with the remodeling plans they’ve put together.

Remove everything from your bathroom.

Once you’re settled on the new bathroom design that your bathroom remodeling contractor is going to put into place, you can start to get your bathroom prepared for your remodeling project. You can do this by taking everything out of your bathroom so that you don’t have to do it at the last minute while your bathroom remodeling contractor is standing around and waiting. You can keep a few basic items in your bathroom, like toothbrushes and soap, until your bathroom remodeling contractor arrives. But everything else should be moved to a different part of your home until after your remodeling job is finished.

Decide how you’re going to dispose of everything that’s being removed from your bathroom.

If you’re having your entire bathroom overhauled during your remodeling job, your bathroom remodeling contractor is likely going to be ripping out quite a few things and throwing them out. Where are those things going to go? Many bathroom remodeling contractors will arrange to haul off the various items that they remove from your bathroom. But you might be responsible for figuring it out on your own in some cases. Talk to your contractor to see what the plan is as far as the disposal process is concerned.

Create a clear path from your bathroom to your front or back door.

When a bathroom contractor is working in your home, they’re going to have to take tons of trips back and forth from your bathroom to the exterior of your home. It’s a good idea to create a clear path for them so that they’re able to make their way in and out of your home with ease. Regardless of whether they’re bringing new plumbing fixtures into your home or running out to their truck to grab a tool, they shouldn’t have any problem walking in and out of your home. Clear out anything that could potentially get into their way and make their job more difficult than it should be.

Do you need help getting your home ready for a bathroom remodeling project? The bathroom remodelers from CALbath Renovations have the right qualities the bathroom remodeling company should have and can assist you along the way. We specialize in full bathroom remodels and can also take on acrylic bath system installations, bathroom refinishing jobs, bathtub, shower, tile, and counter restoration, and more. Call us at (949) 263-1236 or visit us at 3825 Birch St., Newport Beach, CA 92660 to get started.