November 02 2020 0Comment
bathroom remodeling in San Jose, CA

Worst Excuses People Make for Not Doing Bathroom Remodeling

Have you been putting off bathroom remodeling in San Diego, CA and making all kinds of excuses for it? Unfortunately, this isn’t all that uncommon. People come up with lots of different excuses for why they don’t think they need to do bathroom remodeling right now. You should avoid using these excuses yourself at all costs and dive headfirst into a bathroom remodeling project. Check out some of the worst excuses people make for not renovating a bathroom.


“Our bathroom is fine the way it is.”

If you have a bathroom in your home that was just remodeled a few years ago by the previous owners of your house, it could very well be “fine the way it is.” But if it’s been a long time since the bathroom was remodeled, then there’s a good chance that that’s not the case. If your bathroom doesn’t meet your current needs, then you shouldn’t put off remodeling it any longer than you have to. By doing a San Diego, CA bathroom remodel, you’ll make it better than it is and get a lot more use out of it.


“A bathroom remodel will cost way too much money.”

A bathroom remodeling project is going to cost you at least a little bit of money. But you shouldn’t discount the idea altogether for this reason without getting a free quote first. You might be able to do some light remodeling without spending a small fortune. There are also plenty of large-scale bathroom remodeling jobs that come in well under budget when homeowners take them. As long as you’re smart about how you spend your money, you can remodel a bathroom for a price you can afford.


“We’re moving soon anyway, so we don’t need a new bathroom.”

If you’re planning on moving out of your current home sometime in the near future, you might not see the sense in remodeling a bathroom. But even in this instance, you can benefit from remodeling your bathroom in a big way. You can add some value to your home and make it more enticing to buyers by reworking your bathroom space. You’ll also give yourself a little bit of time to enjoy the new bathroom prior to your move.

“There are other things we need to do before renovating our bathroom.”

The average homeowner has a to-do list that’s about a mile long. Therefore, it’s easy to bury a bathroom remodeler towards the bottom of it if you don’t think you’re going to be able to take it on. But the truth is that remodeling a bathroom is one of the most important jobs that you can tackle in your home. It’ll affect the way your whole house functions from the second you finish it, which is why you shouldn’t put so many other jobs ahead of it.


Are you tired of making excuses as far as why you can’t remodel a bathroom in your home? Let the San Diego, CA bathroom remodelers from CALbath Renovations visit your home and show you what might be possible with your bathroom space. Call us today to set up a free consultation.